AICC Surveys

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AICC Surveys

The AICC conducts surveys on an ongoing basis to get feedback on existing projects and to determine what new projects/subjects to focus on in the future. For the AICC, this is a very important means to gauge "how we are doing". Your feedback is most valuable to us, please take the time to fully complete AICC online surveys whenever they are active.

Currently Active Surveys

Survey Name Survey's Purpose

Evaluation Methods Technology Trends AICC Survey

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This survey seeks information about the current evaluation practices you are using within your organization or for your customers to establish the effectiveness of an implemented training system. It also seeks your opinions about several current technology trends and issues.

Results from Previous Surveys

Survey Name Survey's Purpose Duration
AICC - CMI (LAN to Web) Migration Survey

To provide data about the level of market interest in using LAN/CD-ROM based content with web-based LMS systems. [Results Page]

23-July-2002 to Feb-2003
CBT Managment - Discussion Topics Survey
The June 2001 AICC meeting will include a full day for discussion on topics involving CBT Management. The purpose of this survey is to collect feedback on which topics should be discussed at this meeting.

Raw Results] [Summary Results]
27-Apr-2001 to 04-Jun-2001
AICC Technology-Based Training Survey The purpose of the survey was to find out more about how technolgy-based training is being used today and how organizations are going about migration to the web.

[Raw Results] [
Summary Results]
30-Jun-2000 to 18-Sep-2000

Software for delivering AICC surveys is provided courtesy of Question Mark Computing, Ltd.

If you have questions, suggestions, or problems with this website, please send e-mail to
Last Updated: July 14th, 2008
Copyright (c) AICC 1988-2008, All Rights Reserved